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Brief hiatus

May 14, 2013

First, a happy Shavuos (celebrating the giving the of the Torah at Mt. Sinai) to all those celebrating and a happy Pentecost (celebrating the Holy Ghost descending on the early Christian apostles) to all those celebrating.

These holidays are sometimes celebrated through study, and especially to those of you who are studying, I wish that you enjoy full fruits of your study and that your study brings understanding and wisdom.

I’m going to try to be offline through the end of the weekend, and I think several other BLT bloggers are travelling or occupied this week, so posting will be light – but I look forward to resuming our exchange of ideas here soon!

To amuse you until we return with our regularly scheduled programming, here is an article from 1893 dug up by the formidable blogger who goes by the pseudonym Mississippi Fred MacDowell, on a proposal by the Turkish Board of Publication to remove the story of Joseph from the Armenian Scriptures “out of consideration for Mrs. Potiphar.”  MFM is careful to point out:

It must be noted – since not everyone reads to the end – that on protest by the British, the Grand Vizier reversed the order.

Turkish Bible Herald 1893

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